
Premature babies

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

When a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is called premature baby. Each year approximately 15 million babies are born preterm. Typically preterm babies do not develop completely at birth. They may have health problems and therefore need to stay in the hospital longer than the babies born at the right time.

Pregnancy-induced DM

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Diabetes Mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a metabolic disease that leads to high blood sugar. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas. It helps the body:

Menstrual cycle

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

The menstrual cycle is the process of your ovaries releasing an egg every month. ``
These cycles represent the monthly changes that a woman’s body goes through to prepare for a possible pregnancy.

Postpartum care

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

The postpartum period is the first six weeks after childbirth. It starts after the delivery and ends when the mother’s body returns to the pre-pregnant state. In this period, as a mother you need to adapt to many emotional and physical changes.

Infertility and its treatment

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Infertility is a condition in which a person cannot reproduce by natural means after 12 months (or longer) of regular unprotected sex. 15% of couples all over the world are infertile, which is equal to 48.5 million couples.

Low Birth Weight

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Low birth weight is when the weight of a new born baby is less than 2500 grams (or 5 pounds, 8 ounces). On an average 15% of the low birth weight babies are born worldwide.
Low birth weight (LBW) can lead to numerous health problems in babies. However, there are some exceptional cases wherein despite being small the babies have no health issues.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

It is a condition where a female experiences pain during her menstrual cycle. It is the most common gynaecological problem and is experienced among 45-93% of menstruating women.
About 13-51 % of individuals miss out on their regular work/school routine resulting in absenteeism at least once due to mild pain,

Cord blood banking, is it beneficial?

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

`Cord blood is the blood that is left in the umbilical cord and the placenta after birth. It can be used for research or preserved and later on used for stem cell transplant. Therefore cord blood banking is process of collecting the cord blood and freezing its stem cells for future use.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

An Episiotomy is defined as the surgical incision made in the perineum during labour. The perineum is the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus. The incision made on this tissue widens the opening of the vagina, thereby allowing the baby to come through more efficiently.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

A C-section is a surgery done to deliver the baby by performing an incision on the uterus and the abdomen. This surgical procedure is performed when vaginal delivery is not the safest option.
It is a major surgery in obstetric practice and its prevalence has drastically increased all over the world in the last few decades from 6.7% in 1990 to 19.1% 2014.

Epidural Block

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Epidural is a medication that helps in reducing the pain during labor and delivery. An Epidural Block is a regional pain-blocking procedure. It blocks pain in a specific body part, like the belly or the hips or the legs or pelvis.

Vitamins for men

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Vitamins are essential organic nutrients for the overall growth of the body. They help to produce energy to ensure proper functions of bodily systems.
Vitamins help to resist infections, clot your blood properly, keep your nerves healthy, and help your body to get energy from food. If you follow the Dietary Guidelines, you will get most of the vitamins from food.

Vitamins for women

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Vitamins are essential organic nutrients for good health and daily body functions such as cell reproduction and growth. Most importantly, they are necessary for processing for energy in cells.
The balance of vitamins in the body is very delicate that deficiency and excess of any of the vitamins could lead to a severe health issue.

Vaccination schedule by age- India

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

The contribution of vaccination towards the development of herd immunity to infectious diseases and reduced infant mortality rate (IMR), the maternal mortality rate (MMR), increased life expectancy etc has been phenomenal. The world’s first vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner to treat smallpox in the year 1796 and his pioneering discovery eventually led to the global eradication of smallpox in 1980.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

We constitute a generation of the human race that is experiencing one of the world’s most devastating pandemic has ever seen. We cannot deny the fact that adequate data is not available concerning how coronavirus affected pregnant women and babies.

Is your baby excessively drooling?

April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

When your little one’s saliva comes out of their mouth while napping or breastfeeding. Drooling is very common in babies between the age group of 2 months to 15 months old. It is believed that drooling starts when teeth start to appear in the baby’s mouth. There is nothing to worry about drooling as it is just a part of development in babies. Drooling happens because an infant is not in control of his functions.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

When babies are born, everything seems new to them. They grow with time depending on various external and internal factors. Hence, development of babies differs from each baby to baby.
The initial year of a baby’s life is very crucial since the baby grows and develops with speed during this time. Each month a baby develops a new physical or mental attribute or abilities and they are called the baby milestones.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

It is a well-known fact that diagnostic ultrasound is a very integral part of the investigation and diagnosis of infertility. Follicular monitoring is one of the many compulsory procedures in the management of infertility. It is one of the chief components of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Infertility is a cause of concern for many young couples. When medical science has advanced so much that it can provide us with higher life expectancy and lower mortality rates, it is somewhat expected to help with this as well.


April 14,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Deciding to have a baby is a big change in the life of any person. It is always the aim to make everything go as smoothly as possible during pregnancy. However, there are always things that are out of our control, one of which can be fertility issues.

Diarrhea in babies

March 31,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Diarrhea is a condition in which loose and watery stools are discharged during more-frequent bowel movements. It typically involves problems related to the stomach and intestine and is generally caused by a virus or unclean food.
Generally, if the watery stools happen up to 5 or more times,and this happens for seven to ten days, it is classified as diarrhea.


March 31,2023

IUI Treatment: A Ray of Hope.

Developmental milestones are the checkpoints reached by babies in the process of their growth. Milestones act as the assessor of their overall development. Rolling on the back; sitting without support; recognizing faces, smells, and tastes; speaking the first word; smiling, and scribbling with crayons are all developmental milestones.

Crying Baby - reasons and solutions

March 24,2023

Crying Baby - reasons and solutions

Having a baby is the happiest and life-changing moment. But raising a baby is quite difficult. Apart from napping, vaccines, and feeding; one thing you must have to deal with is your baby crying.

Baby Milestones month by month

March 24,2023

Baby Milestones month by month

Milestones are checkpoints in a baby’s development as they grow. These are easily recognizable skills that infants should be able to perform by the time they are of a certain age. Walking, talking, rolling over and reacting to sounds are some of the milestones that babies should be reaching.