Crying Baby - reasons and solutions

Why do babies cry?

Having a baby is the happiest and life-changing moment. But raising a baby is quite difficult. Apart from napping, vaccines, and feeding; one thing you must have to deal with is your baby crying.

It is normal for newborns to spend 2-3 hours a day crying. During the first three months, the baby cries more than any other time.

Some babies cry a lot more than others. If a baby is crying more than three days a week is considered colic. It happens a lot in newborns.

Approximately 20% of babies are excessive criers and are known as "colicky" babies. Excessive crier babies can cry up to six hours a day.

According to the Journal of Pediatrics research, babies cry more in Italy, UK, and Canada and are more relaxed in Japan, Germany, and Denmark.

But crying is a way for babies to communicate with their parents for their needs, care, and attention. Your baby generally cries to tell you something wrong, like an empty stomach, cold feet, tiredness, feeling wet, etc.

Here are some of the reasons why babies cry, along with their solutions to calm down your baby:


Hunger is the most common reason why babies cry. Babies have tiny stomachs, and during the first three months, you need to feed them frequently. Most babies will have to be fed every two to three hours.

Babies can get a little cranky if they are hungry. They can go from zero to loud screaming quickly if they haven't eaten for a while. All you have to do is watch the signs of hunger, such as sucking their hands, lip-smacking, and fussing.

Solution: Offer your breast or bottle of milk to the baby for feeding. When your baby is full, they will let you know by coming off your breast by themselves.

Wet or Dirty Diaper

Some babies can sit in wet or dirty diapers for a long time, and others want to change it immediately. Irritation in the skin caused by wet diapers can change your baby's mood.

You have to check your baby's diaper from time to time so that you can change it immediately before your baby starts crying.

Solution: If the diaper is dirty, change it quickly with a fresh diaper without interacting much with your baby. It will help him to go back to sleep peacefully.


When your baby is overtired, he might find it hard to get to sleep. Due to a disturbance in his sleeping schedule, he started crying.

It takes parents a few weeks to understand the signs. Staring blank into space and being quiet are just some ways your baby wants to tell you that he needs rest and wants to sleep.

Solution: Try to take your baby to a quiet room away from the crowd and help him to sleep in your arms.

Upset Stomach

The common problem in babies is having gas troubles. The discomfort arises due to an upset stomach by which the baby can't pass the gas leads to the baby crying.

If your baby is pumping their legs or arching their back, then it is a sign of gas trouble.

Solution: Bicycle your baby's legs and push them up to the chest to help them relieve the gas.

Need to Burp

If your baby is crying right after feeding, then it is a sign that he needs to burp. This might happen when your baby swallows air while breastfeeding or sulking from a bottle.

Solution: Place your baby on his tummy and gently massage his back so that he can burp.

Teething Trouble

Teething pain starts from as early as four months, which might be a reason that your baby is crying.

If your baby chews on everything they get their hands on, it is the sign they are having teething trouble.

Solution: Gently massage the gums of your baby or offer them baby teethers, which can help them to reduce the irritation.

Not Feeling Well

If your baby is crying louder, more than usual, in a different sound, it is a sign that your baby is not feeling well.

Check other symptoms like fever, cough, vomiting, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

Solution: If your baby does not stop crying, call your doctor right away.

How to calm a baby if he is still crying?
  • Make a gentle shushing sound in the baby's ear
  • Sway your baby while you walk around or sway them in a baby swing
  • Try to massage your baby's tummy to comfort them
  • Let them suck their clean finger or knuckle
  • Give them a soothing warm bath
  • Hold your baby on their tummy

It's hard for parents to hear the baby crying, but each baby has its own timeline to meet their physical and emotional growth, and crying is just a phase. Therefore when it comes to babies, it needs time, patience, and a lot of effort to make your baby calm.


By -
Dr. Ruchika Singh


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